Unique among historical guides to New York City, this book covers separate waves of immigration from colonial times to the mid-nineteenth-century Irish Potato Famine, from Ellis Island—which, between 1892 and 1954, processed some twelve million newcomers—to the present day, and it ties this history to various sites in the city.
Timeline Books
These one-of-a-kind guides allow readers to move through time as never before, bringing them face to face with the people and events behind some of America's most important historical landmarks and locations. No other guidebooks draw so much on the first-hand accounts of those involved in the historic events that transpired in the areas covered—making readers feel as if they are experiencing living history. Each book features:
* Two popout® maps—a historical map showing the area as it once was; and a modern map marking every stop on the tour and place mentioned in the text.
* Additional color maps and up to 40-60 photos, both historical and modern
* An introduction by an expert that sets the area in historical context
* A timeline showing key historical events
* A detailed walking tour of the present-day site, interspersed with first-hand accounts interspersed in the text or included as sidebars
* Concise and colorful biographies of key historical figures
* Where to stay and eat, and places to visit nearby
Also available in the series:
Antietam (978-0-7627-5328-4; 9/2009)
Arlington National Cemetery (978-0-7627-5329-1; 9/2009)
Fredericksburg (978-0-7627-5330-7; 1/2010)
Gettysburg (978-0-7627-5331-4; 9/2009)
Vicksburg (978-0-7627-5332-1; 1/2010)
Washington, D.C. (978-0-7627-5333-8; 9/2009)